Choose Your Setting

Generally, I embrace change. I feel like some situations cause me to rise to the challenge and make me a better person. However, getting a new toaster might not be one of those times. We needed to make this change….

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Caring by Not Caring

My career as a full-time journalist ended almost 22 years ago. I last wrote something for a newspaper about 7 years ago. My identity is no longer wrapped up in that profession. I haven’t felt that way for a long…

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Bragging About Nothing

I have to admit, I used to do this. I still might do it on occasion, but I try to avoid this particular annoyance as much as possible these days. Partially because I realize it doesn’t matter, but mostly because…

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Settle Down

Things have already started. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. As we all try to wring the last bit of summer out of the season (even though summer technically goes on for two more weeks, but I’m willing to work…

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On my daily commute, I travel a number of country roads. While the speed limits sit at 40 pretty much the whole way, I prefer this route over any other because I don’t have to deal with backups. I can…

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