Taking on a Challenge

When things get bad, you pretty much have two options. You can either sit in the corner and complain or you can step up and make a difference. I like the second one much more. With the exception of my…

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Fictional Worries

The kids just wanted to help their Dad. They thought if they surprised him by washing the car, he would appreciate their pluck and initiative. They didn’t mean to leave the windows open. They never intended to fill the inside…

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Stop the Subtitles

Against my better judgment, I turned on TLC the other night. You know, the channel which takes the worst part of American society and glorifies it through reality television. But the old “even a blind squirrel finds an acorn” adage…

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Thursday TV Roundup

I will occasionally review my favorite TV shows, sometimes a few days late. These won’t be recaps, but general and specific observations from someone who thinks way too much about this kind of stuff and doesn’t get too overly negative…

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Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love this time of year. You can feel the difference in the air. A special electricity surrounds us. You could blame it on the change from summer to autumn, but something else gives me this feeling – I can…

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Book Review: Peep Show

I hesitated before picking up a copy of Joshua Braff’s novel “Peep Show.” On one hand, I didn’t really like his first book. On the other hand, I had two books in my hand for my daughter and Braff’s book had…

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Book Review: The Fine Art of Mixing Girls

You need a lot of skill to write a book. You need to come up with a good idea, plan it out and use your command of language to make that story come alive. When everything comes together, the end result…

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Wakeup Call

Traveling often puts us at the mercy of other folks. You have to hope that the person in the seat next to you on the plane isn’t a jerk. You have to trust the taxi driver doesn’t try to rip…

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Book Review: How I Became a Famous Novelist

I had pretty high hopes when I picked up “How I Became a Famous Novelist.” First of all, the fake best-seller list on the back cover showed that the author had a keen eye for the absurdity of mass market…

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The Magic Has Returned

As I got ready for work the other day, I spotted something hidden behind a chair in our computer. Once I realized what it was, I knew I had to make a change. So I found an empty nail in…

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