Bridesmaids Scores Big

I think my original thought when I saw the trailer for “Bridesmaids” mirrored that of many people – “This could be great or terrible.” The advertising really made it easy to consider the film simply a female version of “The…

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Roderick Does Indeed Rule

I had to wait a little while before posting my review of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules” because I didn’t want to dwell too much on the outrageously annoying parent who inflicted her 3-year-old on the theater because…

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The Rest of The Brians

A day late, but here are the “minor awards” from the movies I saw last year. This is my favorite part of The Brians, even if this year did not have as much rich material. Best Music: “Hot Tub Time…

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Move Over Oscars, Here are The Brians

Nine years ago, I had an idea. I decided that since I had no connection to the movies honored by Hollywood at the Oscars, I needed to come up with my own awards. That’s how I decided to start The…

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The Red Carpet

Tonight, I started working on one of my most favorite columns I write each year – The Brians. Basically, this is my take on the Oscars, but only movies I saw in the theater are eligible. I relaxed the rules…

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The King’s Speech

As we prepared to leave the movie theatre, my wife thanks me for coming along to see the film we just finished watching. She told me she appreciated when I went with her to see the English period pieces she…

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Just Because

I have to give the producers of Gulliver’s Travels credit. They certainly used the perfect formula to success. Take a well-known story, or at least the well-known part of a well-known story. Cast someone famous like Jack Black. let Jack…

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It’s a Guy Thing

When you see actors like Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg attached to a project, the odds that I will enjoy the film are pretty damn good. So “The Other Guys” had me from the start, but the real payoff came…

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My Kind of Team

When Maria and I saw “Date Night” in the theater a few months ago, one trailer in particular stood out. Sure, I immediately wanted to see the movie being advertised, but I could not believe when my wife leaned over…

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I Wept

I have been thinking about how to write my review for Toy Story 3 for a few weeks now. Unfortunately, my friend Dave Lifton stole the minimalistic approach so I didn’t want to go that route. But the reality is…

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