Month: February 2011
ITEOTWAWKI: Getting Closer
One of the reasons R.E.M. continues to fascinate me is their commitment to openness. They seem genuine and honest when they sit down and discuss how they do what they do. They don’t put on airs even though Stipe can…
Becoming Relevant
At times, I have scared people with my knowledge of television and movie trivia. I don’t aim to know minutiae about my favorite shows. It just happens sometimes. But even while I can recite lines from any number of “Friends”…
Cold, Cold Go Away
NOTE: I wrote this column a while back when it was really cold, but never posted it. Since it was in the single digits this morning, I thought I’d finally get around to doing that. I know it also snowed…
Family Viewing Options
We have a ton of options on television these days. Personally, I love this fact. I can do nothing but scroll through the options over and over again seeing what I could watch if I really wanted to settle on…
The Red Carpet
Tonight, I started working on one of my most favorite columns I write each year – The Brians. Basically, this is my take on the Oscars, but only movies I saw in the theater are eligible. I relaxed the rules…
Brian the Builder
As I wrote this, the pieces of my new computer sit in several boxes in my basement. I didn’t go on some angry tirade and break the thing apart. The shipping company didn’t drop a box and shatter the thing….
Be a Man. Wrestle a Girl.
When wrestling makes the news, it is often for the wrong reasons. Sure, those of us who have competed or stay connected to the sport will never stop hearing the joke about tights vs. required uniform from “The Breakfast Club.”…
The Problem with College Wrestling on TV
Now that football season has come to a close, I can now focus much of my attention on one of my other favorite sports – amateur wrestling. I have participated or watched the sport pretty much my entire life. Thanks…
Win Some, Lose Some
Sometimes I think we have progressed as far as we possibly can as humans. We have sent astronauts to the moon. We have built vehicles to explore other planets. We continue to seek the outer reaches of the galaxy. As…
PA Liquor Laws: Still Stupid
One of the key aims of Pennsylvania’s new governor is to get the state out of the liquor store business. Currently, all liquor and wine is sold at state-run stores. The plan is to auction off those licenses to raise…