Flipping Over March Madness

Sometimes when you spend money, don’t you feel like just throwing it down the sewer? I mean, aren’t there purchases or investment decisions that you know will go wrong even before you hand over your money? That’s exactly how I…

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A Real Immigration Test

Apparently, the people in charge in the Netherlands have the funny feeling that new immigrants to the country have a little bit of trouble adapting to their liberal ways. They have developed a new immigration test that will try and…

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Call Me Coach

I fear for my sanity. Can anyone tell me what I have gotten myself into? I signed up to coach my daughter’s soccer team. I entered into this fray willingly. I actually ticked off several boxes for volunteer options when…

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The 2006 Brians

Do you know how some years, film experts talk about the lack of good candidates for The Oscars? Well, it’s that kind of year for The Brians, now celebrating their fourth year. Actually, the quality of the films eligible remains…

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