Month: September 2006
Language Barrier
Several best-selling books over the years have discussed how men and women see the world differently. Some of the books even say that the genders speak completely different languages. Apparently, that’s not good enough for my wife. She has started…
A Real Education
When I was growing up, I thought I had a pretty good view of the world. After all, I knew kids who went to a whole lot of different private schools. Now that I have watched my daughter go through…
No Kentucky Solution
I learn something new every time I visit a new place. Sometimes, I glean a new historical fact or expose myself to a food or drink I have never had. When I visited the Cincinnati area recently, I discovered something…
The HDTV Saga of Ought Six
I love television. I think I have made that abundantly clear over the past few years. But the funny thing is that I’m not picky about the television I watch, which seems a bit counterintuitive. I tried to change that…