Book Review: Talking to Girls About Duran Duran

The continued cultural importance of the 1980s doesn’t completely make sense. I know that as my generation grows older, the nostalgia for our youth gains strength. But the continued fascination with “The Breakfast Club” and The Go-Go’s has to survive…

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Relief Shopper

I try to help around the house as much as I can. My limited skills (and interest) disqualify me from many chores, but I still like to think I contribute to the common good. The other night I could see…

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‘Mad Men’ Decision

As white people everywhere know, “Mad Men” returns to the air on Sunday. We have suffered silently and whitely for more than 500 days. Well, not all of us. I was a latecomer to the AMC franchise. I still have…

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Revenge of the Bean Burger

I have to give my wife credit. She only wanted to try something different and make dinner a little more healthy. A month or so ago, Maria found a recipe for bean burgers. When I saw it laying around the…

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Best Weekend Ever

A lot of people have placed an undue focus on 2012 because they think the Mayans predicted the world would end later this year. We can accomplish very little by sitting and talking about the absurdity of an ancient culture…

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Book Review: Farewell, the Greatest Spy Story of the Twentieth Century

I have no idea how this book ended up on my Wish List. When my wife gave me the list of books she bought for my Kindle for Christmas, I had to go look this one up. I’m not complaining,…

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Admitting My Shameful Secret

I admitted a deep, dark secret to some friends the other day. I felt much better afterwards, even though they gave me some grief for my transgression. While I feel good about taking this step with some people close to…

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Trying to Uncover NCAA Wrestling Coverage

Across the country tomorrow, one of the most exciting days on the college wrestling calendar will take place. Seven conference tournaments will determine most of the 330 wrestlers who will compete in the NCAA Division I Championships in St. Louis…

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I Know What ‘The Office’ Needs

Word has come out that “The Office,” which is currently going through a solid run of shows in an otherwise uneven season, will have some cast changes for a potential ninth season. First off, James Spader will not return as…

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