Who Wears the Pants Around Here?

The women’s movement has come a long way. But I have learned recently that the fairer sex still has a lot of ground to gain. For instance, trousers. My wife got a catalog from a well-known retailer the other day….

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Pump This, Jersey

As human beings, we face many difficult challenges. Every day we have to tackle many tasks and make dozens of difficult decisions. It’s a wonder we even know how to correctly pump gas. According to New Jersey officials, that’s a…

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Brain Waste

As Maria and I drove down the road one day recently, I had an epiphany. I’m wasting my brain, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. We had the radio playing and a song came on. I…

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We Have Arrived

We hit a very important milestone this week. Maria and I moved into a new and exciting economic strata. No, we don’t have a chauffeur. And I didn’t get the golf cart I have always wanted to tool around in….

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