Cold, Cold Go Away

NOTE: I wrote this column a while back when it was really cold, but never posted it. Since it was in the single digits this morning, I thought I’d finally get around to doing that. I know it also snowed so some of this isn’t relevant, but just deal with it

Usually, I try to keep an even keel. I don’t let things get me too upset even though some of the stuff I write might not seem this way. Typical every day things should not get any of us bent out of shape.

But I tell you, this cold weather is pushing its luck.

I know that it’s winter, and we all should expect some harsh weather once in a while. I have lived in Maryland or Pennsylvania all my life so I understand how winters around here can work.

For four years in college, I lived just about 40 minutes southeast of Lake Erie. Snow turned into an almost everyday part of life from Thanksgiving to past Valentine’s Day. You just dealt with it.

Last year’s huge snow storm didn’t both me because those sort of things happen once in a while. That helped me look at the snow a week ago and just kind of laugh. Sure, we got a lot, but we dug out and got on with our lives the next day.

Storms like those actually make me appreciate winter. Whether you go out and play in the snow or just sit inside wand watch it fall, the whole process feels like it has a purpose.

The bitter cold does no such thing.

I think really cold weather without snow is just stupid. Cold with snow is stupid too, but somehow more bearable. I’m sure some scientific explanation exists for why people like me don’t feel so cold when there’s snow on the ground. Science or not, the whole thing is driving me crazy.

Part of my problem with this whole situation comes because we live in an old house. We have tried to make the place more energy-efficient, but there is only so much you can do. At some point, you just have to put on another layer or two and get on with your life.

The cold this winter has reacquainted me with an old friend – long underwear. I used to wear them regularly as a kid and just got out of the habit. Now they keep me warm when things just get a little too chilly.

I also have had to deal with a car which has decided to only heat up when it feels like it this winter. I don’t really remember when the problem started, but it has vexed me off and on over the past couple of months.

Every time I just feel like giving up and staking the car in to have the heating system checked, it heats up in a jif, and I don’t have to drive all the way down to Baltimore with my hat and gloves on.

I know I should probably fix the problem, but waiting out the cold sounds like a much better solution in my eyes. Things have to warm up eventually, right?

When they do, I know I might not even need the air conditioner to cool off.

Author: brian

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