The Forbidden Question

The question did not seem all that controversial. I did not mean to stir up any deep emotions in my wife. I just had a simple inquiry. But apparently, you can cause a huge uproar in our house just by…

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Surprise Purchase

My wife came home from the store the other day. She had to pick up some very basic items, but something very interesting found its way into the bag. She bought a new dish rack for the sink. I have…

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Wedding Wardrobe Woes, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

I knew we would have fun.  As we prepared to go to my nephew’s wedding in Baltimore, that notion existed without any doubt in my mind. I just wondered if I would go through the entire day without a problem….

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Doing My Part

I firmly believe we should never stop trying to better ourselves. This wonderful world can offer new and exciting experiences regardless of how much we think we know. I recently had a chance to put this belief into action. My…

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Beach Anniversary

In 1986, my parents and a few of my siblings went on vacation to the beach together. I don’t know all the details since I was in high school and either spent that week wrestling or working. I know that…

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Favorite Goddaughter Determined?

In my family, most of us have an opportunity to serve as godparent. I have had this privilege twice, for my nieces Alanna and Colleen. This really creates a special bond between the three of us. They were born when…

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Adventures in Plumbing

Because we don’t have a dishwasher, that regular task falls to me.  I don’t really mind because it makes me feel like I’m actually contributing to the daily maintenance of the house. I settled myself in front of the sink…

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Soup Season Is Over

Like most adults, my life basically revolves around calendars. I have many of these I need to follow with varying degrees of importance. At the top of the heap sits the calendar on the side of the refrigerator. That carries…

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Family Viewing Options

We have a ton of options on television these days. Personally, I love this fact. I can do nothing but scroll through the options over and over again seeing what I could watch if I really wanted to settle on…

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The Travels of Lucky Charms

When you grow up with a large number of siblings like I did, you have difficulty trusting people. That’s just the nature of a big household, especially when you are the youngest. Sure, you have a great support system, but…

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