Category: Food
The Great Hamloaf Rebellion
Due to circumstances out of my control, I will be attending a meal at a friend’s house this weekend where the main course will be hamloaf. To say I’m not excited about this is the understatement of the millennium. I think…
Relief Shopper
I try to help around the house as much as I can. My limited skills (and interest) disqualify me from many chores, but I still like to think I contribute to the common good. The other night I could see…
Revenge of the Bean Burger
I have to give my wife credit. She only wanted to try something different and make dinner a little more healthy. A month or so ago, Maria found a recipe for bean burgers. When I saw it laying around the…
Souper Discussion
About a year ago, my wife and I had a spirited discussion about the boundaries of soup season. To boil things down, I think outdoor temperature, not the calendar, should determine when soup fits on the menu. Of course, we…
The Forbidden Question
The question did not seem all that controversial. I did not mean to stir up any deep emotions in my wife. I just had a simple inquiry. But apparently, you can cause a huge uproar in our house just by…
Snacking Dilemma
I love our basement. Even though it is unfinished, has cold concrete floors in the winter and leaks sometimes when it rains, I love the place. Because of the way our house is laid out, the basement is one of…
Peppered Out
My commute drives me crazy sometimes. In order to avoid highways until the last possible second, I spend a lot of time on windy two-lane roads. I like this because I drive a consistent speed most of the time and…
Soup Season Is Over
Like most adults, my life basically revolves around calendars. I have many of these I need to follow with varying degrees of importance. At the top of the heap sits the calendar on the side of the refrigerator. That carries…
Win Some, Lose Some
Sometimes I think we have progressed as far as we possibly can as humans. We have sent astronauts to the moon. We have built vehicles to explore other planets. We continue to seek the outer reaches of the galaxy. As…
Peanut Butter Burger
One summer in college, I went to Los Angeles to spend the week with a few friends. One of them helped open my eyes to the many wonderful uses of peanut butter. I had only believed that you could use…