Embracing New Veggies

As a kid, I had a tremendous advantage. My parents had already raised seven kids so they didn’t have much willpower by the time I came around. I didn’t grow up without discipline, but it seems as if they simply…

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Visiting Washington, D.C.

My wife and I have had a tradition of traveling for our wedding anniversary. We have had some really great trips, but fell off the wagon the past few years. Since our 15th anniversary is this October, I wanted to…

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Simply A Burger

I have a problem. Well, I have a number of problems, but one of them is with my health. Things like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease run in my family. That means I have been on medication…

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do

All good relationships have to come to an end. I know this is for the best, but I thought we had another five to 10 years to go before things fell apart. I remember how one word came into my…

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A Futile Quest

One of my biggest problems is that I don’t always learn from my mistakes. Generally this doesn’t affect anyone else, but I inconvenienced the rest of my family on Labor Day when we decided to go out for lunch. Holiday…

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Buffalo Soldier

Every day on my commute, I drive past a farm in northern Maryland. You can’t miss it. It’s the one with all the buffalo. Twin Springs Bison Farm not only serves as the home to the big animals – which…

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Stop the Madness

Sometimes, I don’t know what to make of what goes on in this crazy world of ours. Things just keep heading in the wrong direction. This has nothing to do with the economy or pig flu or anything like that….

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Unity Cake

With a new administration in place in the nation’s capital, we have heard a lot of talk about unity in recent weeks. I hope everyone joins me in trying to make this a reality regardless of what political party you…

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Uniting People

We witnessed a very special piece of history on Tuesday with the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the Unites States. He spread his message of change and hope and unity in his inaugural address. But I…

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Orange Juice Danger

Maria left for work the other morning, and I had the house all to myself. As I prepare to start a new job and end my short sabbatical, I wanted to do something special. So I cooked up some turkey…

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