ITEOTWAWKI: Tribute and Fun

I didn’t intend to go a whole week between posts. Really. I have lots of stuff to write about, but just never took the time. I finished a book this week and can opine on many other topics, but this…

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ITEOTWAWKI: Carnegie Tribute

Next week, a very special event will take place in New York as at least 20 artists gather to honor R.E.M. with a tribute concert at Carnegie Hall. This is why the baby Jesus invented things like Bit Torrent and…

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Get Set for HSM4

Yes, Disney has announced that there will be a sequel to High School Musical 3, the winner of this year’s Best Movie in The Brians. HSM4 will return to the roots of the franchise and debut on The Disney Channel…

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Now This is Some Bull

My daughter told me something last night that i simply could not believe. Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday. Yep. The new law from last year or whenever pushed the date to the second Sunday in march. I hadn’t realized…

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