Reading Challenge: Year 3

Two years ago, I set a goal to average one book per month. I didn’t necessarily need to read one every month. I just wanted to finish the year having completed a dozen books. I managed to pull that off in 2009 and repeated the feat last year.

I read 17 books in 2010. Reviews of all but one appear on the site. The final book – The Bible Salesman – continued a run or mediocre of bad books, and I never got the energy to write about it. I didn’t dislike it as much as some of the others I read, but I pretty much gave up reading for the year after I finished it. I just didn’t think I could find anything I enjoyed, and TV season started.

But now I’m back with the same goal in mind. My wife got me a novel for Christmas which looks interesting. I also went nutso at Border’s one day and found six things I wanted to read on the sale rack for less than $25. I’m already a decent way through one of them.

Make a reading challenge for yourself and see what happens. I have really enjoyed some of the new stuff I have found over the past two years and think this will become a regular thing.

Author: brian

2 thoughts on “Reading Challenge: Year 3

  1. I’m not sure how often you’re in the area, but have you ever been in the bookstore on New Oxford square? I was in last year, and got a whole slew of W.E.B. Griffin books, along with a few reference books, for under $10. It was probably 15 books all told.

    Highly recommend it if you’re ever in the area.

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