Category: Internets
A Day Late and Many Dollars Short
I made a private promise that I would blog every day in March. I didn’t share this with anyone because I know myself and had low expectations. But here is my first post of March explaining why I didn’t post…
No Turning Back
I have spent years with one philosophy – cable TV is not the devil. Some people I knew would brag about how few channels they had, and I would point out all that they had missed. I defended cable prices…
Bragging About Nothing
I have to admit, I used to do this. I still might do it on occasion, but I try to avoid this particular annoyance as much as possible these days. Partially because I realize it doesn’t matter, but mostly because…
How I Pulled One Over on Lands End
Well, not really, but I made out nicely. Some of the details will be scarce since it involves Christmas gifts for my wife, but the gist will be clear. I went online the other day to order some things my…
Ain’t She Tweet
Will Leitch, normally known for his snarkiness at the great sports blog Deadspin, has a great article about Twitter at New York Magazine, where he serves as a contributing editor. The piece really comes to no conclusions, but features some…