No Guilt Here

I spent a little time over the weekend catching up on Hawaii Five-O. For a variety of reasons (Monday Night Football, being old), I tend to wait for the show to build up a few episodes and watch a bunch at one time. Kind of like taking a huge handful of candy corn instead of eating one piece at a time.

I will never call this show a guilty pleasure because I don’t think there’s any guilt involved  in enjoying a mindless, harmless television show. The actions of the Five-O task force are completely unbelieveable, usually predictable and defy any basic logic.

And I love every minute of it.

One of the recent episodes I watched summed it all up for me. Someone was killing Navy SEALs and making the deaths look like accidents. The crew started to figure out what was going onm but realized they might not be able to prevent the next death.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I might be spoiling something for people now, but I don’t care.

Anyway, the next victim was planning on sky diving, but the drug runner seeking revenge had drugged the SEAL and pushed him out of the plane. That’s when Five-O sprung into action and Steve McGarrett came soaring out of space from an unseen plane. Long story short, he managed to catch the guy … twice (he lost his grip once) … and brought them both to safety.

You can’t not love the absurdity of this show. Well, you can hate it, but it just seems silly to waste time worrying about it. I can’t wait to see what stupid stuff they come up with next to entertain me.

Author: brian

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