In the Shadows

When you find something that works, stick with that. That philosophy doesn’t always work with entertainment because the same old thing can get old quickly. But in the instance of the second installment of the Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law Sherlock Holmes mysteries, the old adage has rung true.

We went to see Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows the other night and came away thoroughly entertained just like we did after the first movie starring the pair. I love walking out of a theater knowing I just had some good old-fashioned fun.

That’s what this franchise represents to me. There are twists and turns and fancy scenery, but Downey instills a particular brand of fun into Holmes. Law’s Watson reluctantly joins the fray as we all go along for an entertaining ride.

This time, the ride takes us across Europe as Holmes tries to bring down Professor Moriarity (played by Jared Harris who plays Lane Pryce on Mad Men, a fact which drove me nuts until I finally figured it out). The tale of intrigue involves gypsies, arms factories and creepy Swiss castles. I loved every minute of it.

Some might find Guy Ritchie’s direction annoying and roll their eyes at the way he has Holmes break down his physical battles, but I love that stuff against my better judgment. I’m totally hooked on this version of Sherlock Holmes.

Which is a good thing since they have already started writing the next movie in the series.

Author: brian

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