Kid Nation Rules

I didn’t think I would feel this way, but “Kid Nation” has become one of my favorite TV appointments each week. That goes double for this week’s episode when the kids rebel against the leaders and hold elections for each team’s leader.

The show has received some bad press because of the nature of the “plot” and because one parent sued based on a few mishaps that took place during filming. But I have a hard time thinking that reasonable people would have major objections if they actually sat down and watched the show.

Sure, they exploit kids’ emotions for some parts, but a lot of the time is focused on the kids who step up and do their jobs well. In fact, the kids they do sho win a bad light only seem to show up that way because of their own actions. The producers didn’t make 10-year-old Taylor so spoiled that she will ignore her chores. And I doubt they taught 15-year-old Greg obscenities when he believed he was overlooked for the weekly $20,000 gold star award.

The bad stuff happening in the show happens every day on playgrounds and in back yards. But the good stuff, like Morgan’s care of younger children and her sensible approach to introducing prayer to the town’s activities, is more prominent on TV. Sure, Taylor (you can’t not mention her laziness) gets a lot of TV time, but so have Zach and Michael and others who have busted their humps to get work done.

So you can debate child labor laws and all those things all day long, but I don’t see the point at bashing a show that has helped show the good inside children.

Author: brian

5 thoughts on “Kid Nation Rules

  1. I only just finished watching Kid Nation. I study medic here in Kursk, Russia, and I have always, ALWAYS aspired to be a doctor working with kids. In fact, just a few months ago I organized this charitable visit to an orphanage over here in Russia during the Orthodox Christmas Day celebration, bringing gifts, surprises and just all around love to the kids of Russia.

    But, anyway, as I was saying, I just finished watching the show and I must say I was really blown away! Some of the kids were amazing! Their thoughts, their actions and their reasoning were well beyond their years! I can only remember back when I was ten, geeky, running around in my backyard catching bugs. And these kids?

    I really see the point of the show- to shed some light on the view of the world through childrens’ eyes.

    And yes, I must admit when I first read about Kid Nation, with all the controversy surrounding it, I didn’t even want to watch it. But having seen it, I must say kudos to the producers, but especially to the kids. They were simply amazing.

    And to Michael Kosnitzky (aka Zach’s father), I just wanted to say that you did a great job raising Zach. He played the whole game with such integrity and such a level of maturity it was unbelievable. I wish him all the best with all his future undertakings.

    Peace out, and keep doing what you do, regularcolumn guy!

  2. Thanks for reading. I’m really glad Zach won the election on last night’s episode. Things could get very interesting.

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