ITEOTWAWKI: Three Years and Counting

Last week marked three years since I have seen R.E.M. play live. On the “Around the Sun” tour, I headed up to New Jersey and caught them at The Borgata because the D.C. date two days later just wasn’t that convenient.

A few things stick out in my mind about this show. I went alone because D.C. United had a big playoff game that night and most of the friends who might have accompanied me were at the game. I didn’t really mind because then I could set my own schedule with gambling and such.

I remember I felt like crap most of the time because my sinuses were killing me. I remember that the hall only seated a few thousand people, the most intimate setting me to see them play. I remember they played “Maps and Legends” as a little treat. I also remember that they pretty much kicked ass as usual, with a few exceptions from the new album.

A little more than halfway through the main set, they played “I Wanted to be Wrong.” I had seen a bunch of set lists from the tour and knew that this was kind of a break before a fairly raucous finish to the set, so I hit the bathroom. In line, some guy and I talked about how we had both planned for this song to alleviate the affects of the beer we had during the show. Pretty funny and pretty telling about the reception the new album was getting from fans.

I think of that now because the band is putting the finishing touches on the new album, and I hope they tour sometime next year. If that happens, I really hope I don’t get the opportunity to pre-plan my bathroom break based on something new that I just can’t stand, but they feel they have to play.

Author: brian

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