He Forgot Tasty

Governments like to waste time on stupid things. I guess it makes them feel important. I usually don’t care about it, but when try to do something silly and someone drags it out even further, I can’t help but shake my head.

Especially when it’s those jackasses from PETA.

The group that hates our grilling freedoms is upset because a Kentucky state representative wants to name Kentucky Fried Chicken the state’s official picnic food.

Stuff like this should sail through without a peep. But those fools from PETA have to turn it into a rally which will probably hold things up to pander to these freaks.

“If the state legislature moves forward with this one, then they should change Kentucky’s state bird from the cardinal to the debeaked, crippled, scalded, diseased, dead chicken,” said Bruce Friedrich, PETA vice president.

Is that the original or extra crispy?

If PETA wants to protest KFC, they should focus on those nasty-looking mashed potato bowls or ask why KFC is including cakes in their family meals. Cause when I think of cake, I think of KFC.

Author: brian

2 thoughts on “He Forgot Tasty

  1. First off, they are un-American. Who doesn’t like meat? They deserve name calling.

    Secondly, getting your shorts wadded up about KFC being the official fried chicken versus a generic brand is just as out of whack as the PETA people.

    Lastly, you need a sense of humor. Bad.

  2. I think you need to calm down about the name calling. PETA believes what they belief and name calling instead of bisecting their arguments only makes it look like they’re more correct.
    Personally I would shudder at an American for profit corporation getting sanctioned as a state official anything as being incredibly suspect and probably wrong. I mean, naming fried chicken as a state picnic food is one thing, giving it a name brand smells of corruption.

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