Give Me My Fast-Forward Button or Give Me Death!

The problem with technology is that someone always tries to exploit it for evil purposes. The villain this time is ABC. The network has reached an agreement which will allow much of its content to appear in “on demand” format on cable and satellite systems for free. There’s just one glitch.

The agreement allows local affiliates to participate in the “fast-forwarding disabled” VOD offering through local advertising sales opportunities.

Listen you morons, the reason we watch things On Demand and via TiVo is so we don’t have to watch commercials. You are totally ruining the experience for us.

They say the number of commercials in these “on demand” episodes will be less than what a broadcast episode would have, but that just means people will rely more on their DVR’s and Tivos to watch shows.

I know they make their money through advertising, but they have to realize the more they force people to deal with those ads, the less likely we’ll be to really pay attention. Considering the people who own DVRs and use “on demand” services probably have a higher income and more aggressive spending habits than most people, don’t you think you’d not force us to sit through commercials like a punishment?

Why don’t you use some of the money to make better shows instead of the crap you usually peddle instead of thinking of ways to torture us, OK? I’ll be skipping those ads while I wait for that to happen.

Author: brian

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