Hooters Flattened

I feel like I really missed a golden opportunity. I have visited Vegas twice in the past 18 months, but didn’t get a chance either time to visit the Hooters Hotel and Casino. Now, I find out, the theme is going bye-bye.

I still might get a chance because the transition to a boutique hotel might not start until later this year, but I have no idea if I will get to Vegas this year, which is sad enough on its own.

I had thought about staying there at one point because they had some pretty cool looking suites, according to the Web site. If I had been able to pull together a big guys trip, that might have worked.

But I think the problem was that they didn’t build their own place – they bought an existing property. Being off strip in something without the latest bells and whistles probably killed them. Now, someone will hopefully renovate the place like it should be don, get rid of the theme and make some real money.
I didn’t visit Hooters the first time I went because I had my wife in tow, and she had tired of jokes about staying at Hooters as I planned the trip. Considering it was our anniversary trip, I didn’t want to tempt fate.

Last October, I made my first-ever solo trip to Vegas, but still didn’t make it up to check out the girls in orange shorts. I hurt my foot on the trip and was staying further down the Strip so I didn’t feel like hustling up to Hooters for the very reason most people probably didn’t go there.

The notion of girls with big boobs and skimpy outfits is not unique to Hooters in Vegas. In fact, some of the women there were probably overdressed for the talent in town. So that’s what modesty gets you in Vegas – a two-year run as the cheesy theme in a not-so-great hotel in a kinda crappy location.

Author: brian

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