Hitting the Jackpot

With summer TV season here, we have to really search sometimes to find something good to watch. Some nights, we don’t even watch anything. We read.

Prety quaint, right?

The other night we hit the jackpot though. Maria was in the other room as I scrolled through the channels. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got to the listing for the National Geographic channel.

Girl with Eight Limbs.

You only get lucky like this once in a while. I remember when we had a run of shows about 700-pound people that kept us entertained, but we hadn;t come across a show like this in a while.

Well, I hadn’t. Maria saw a show on the two-headed twins while I was at the R.E.M. concert so she was really on a hot streak.

I don’t really know what draws me to these kinds of shows. I generally don’t watch medical shows, but these oddities (and I’m not trying to be mean, but they are oddities) just draw me in.

I’m just worried I won’t be able to top the eight-limbed baby.

We saw a very cool special on National Geographic last night on a girl born with a parasitic twin attached. She had eight limbs and they thought she was the reincarnartion of some goddess. Luckily, common sense prevailed and they detached the “twin.”

We love medical freak shows like that.

Author: brian

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