It’s About Time

In recent years, I have fallen behind when it comes to technology. I usually like to buy all kinds of gadgets, but I have had to vicariously enjoy some of the neatest toys in recent years.

I have no real reason for this except for some actual maturity when it comes to spending money. I more often ask myself if I need something or just want it. When that happens, I leave the store disappointed.

I made sure that didn’t happen a few weeks ago when ā€“ seven years later than just about everyone else ā€“ I bought an iPod. Finally.

I am not a complete Neanderthal. I have had a few different music players over the years for when I go through periods of exercise. I just never thought I needed an iPod.

The cheaper versions did the trick. They would hold enough music for what I needed, plus I didn’t have to worry about losing a huge investment if I dropped it.

Or if I lose it, which is what happened with my last player. I had lost it earlier this year, but found it hidden away in the pocket of a jacket I rarely wear. Then, I either left it on the plane on my way back from Vegas in July or dropped it somewhere on the journey back to the house.

Either way, I couldn’t find it, which didn’t matter that much in the big picture. I had dropped it so many times you could barely read the screen, and the thing only cost $40 or something like that.

Throughout much of August, I walked through stores and flipped through the Sunday ads looking for a replacement. Each time, I found myself drawn to the iPod Nano. I tried to talk myself out of it, but I couldn’t.

I could buy a different player with the same storage for much less, but would I care about it as much? If I bought something cheaper, would I still go to the store and stare at the iPod case?

I knew I would. I also know I could afford to get the Nano instead of settling for the bare bones shuffle. After a little hemming and hawing, I finally made the same decision others had made a long time ago.

And I love it. Why did I let my cheapness and Apple prejudice get in the way for so long? If I had bought another cheap one, I could have bought an iPod with the combined amount I spent on the others.

I had convinced myself that putting my music on my various computers and having XM Radio in my car meant I didn’t need an iPod. But none of those things have a cool scroll wheel thingy and lots of other extras.

The only bad thing is that while I’m running around showing off my new iPod, a bunch of my friends show me up by whipping out their new iPhone.

I just hope I have some willpower left over for the next time I go to the store. Those things look really cool.

Author: brian

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