Trust is Good

Every year, my wife and I struggle with a very difficult question – should we add any new TV shows to our rotation?

When we do, we usually hear about something a few months in that other friends suggest or gets some really good publicity. This year, however, we took a different strategy. When TNT started showing previews of a show with Tom Cavanaugh, one of my favorite actors, and Eric McCormick from Will & Grace, we decided to give it a try.

I don’t regret it. After three episodes, I can say that Trust Me will probably stay in the rotation for a while. The show comes on at 10 p.m. on Mondays, way past our bedtime, so we usually catch it on the Tivo later in the week. In fact, we have watched an episode early on Mondays a week after it aired at least once.

Our strange TV viewing habits aside, the show really has a lot to offer. Cavanaugh, as Connor, does a great job playing the same character which worked for him on Ed and Scrubs. McCormick plays Mason and steps out a little with a nice take on the guy who is adjusting to moving up the organizational chart at the advertising where they work.

The interplay between the two leads provides much of the direction for the show, and they deliver. The cast around them does a decent job. The female foil Sarah doesn’t always work for me, but she’s not horrible. I do like Adam Scott as her former boss and would like to see him spar with Mason and Connor more. So much of their conflict comes from inside their own agency. Let them mix it up with the competition once in a while.

I don’t watch too many shows produced by the cable networks so I don’t know how it stacks up against others of this ilk. I like it, and the freedom to use a little appropriate swearing helps with the realism.I hope TNT continues to give the show a chance.

Author: brian

1 thought on “Trust is Good

  1. Thanks for the interesting post – I am tired of all the violence and corruption shown on television and cringe at some of the supposed “family shows” – material and language that is unfit for children. What happened to comedy that isn’t stupid and shows that leave you feeling entertained instead of just an empty feeling and a bad taste in your mouth?

    Keep posting – wishing you the best.

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