
As time goes on, we begin to take the conveniences of life for granted. We refuse to go to gas stations without “pay at the pump.” We don’t even think about using a human cashier when we can ring up our own items. And God forbid we get out of the car to go inside a bank.

Well, at least those things are true for me.

I have started to take something else wonderful for granted, something that puts every other gadget to shame.

Digital video recorders.

We got on this bandwagon a couple of years ago when I bought a TiVo. An uncle of mine had died and left us a small amount of money. Instead of saving it – that would be smart – Maria and I each got something that we really wanted. She got carpet for the steps and I got satellite radio and TiVo.

If you don’t know what TiVo is, I feel sorry for you. TiVo is a digital VCR that allows you to pause live television, quickly skip commercials on recorded programs and has many functions to basically never let you forget to record your favorite show.

In short, it’s the way God wants us to enjoy television. For someone like me who has grown up loving the blue glow of the TV, this technology is manna from heaven.

I have some friends with small children who say they won’t let their kids watch TV. I, on the other hand, have never been prouder than the day Bridget paused one of her shows by herself so she could visit the little girl’s room.

Having TiVo has changed my life. I can watch an NFL game in just about an hour. The remote has a button that skips 30 seconds ahead in a recorded program. That’s about the exact time from when a player is tackled to when the next play starts.

The only problem with TiVo, however, is that we only have one. When we watch TV in the bedroom, we can’t skip commercials or pause when nature calls. We haven’t rectified that situation, but something else wonderful has happen. I now have a video recorder in the basement.

I didn’t get another TiVo box, but I did get one of the DVRs offered by the cable company for my new hideout in the basement.

Over the past few months, I have waterproofed the walls and torn down some wooden shelves that cluttered the basement. Earlier this week, Maria and I cleaned up a little more and put an old recliner down there.

I couldn’t possibly do all this work and just enjoy regular television in my “man cave,” which Maria calls my hideout. I had to get a DVR. You can’t expect me to do all that work, then miss part of a game because I had to go all the way upstairs to use the facilities.

Yeah, I got a DVR down there before we fixed the basement bathroom. A guy has to have priorities after all.

Author: brian

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