Big Brother Rewind

I managed to go the entire season of “Big Brother” this past summer without writing about the show. Part of it is possibly because I, like many other fans, feel a little embarrassed about enjoying the show as much as I do. It really is addictive in that kind of way that makes you hate yourself. Kind of like being a fan of the Washington Redskins or Boston Red Sox.

The other reason I really didn’t feel compelled to write about this 1tth season was because I couldn’t believe how uncompelling the action was for much of the season. Sure, you had Chima’s eviction and lots of fights, but the really interesting stuff ended there. I could not fathom how strong players continually over-played their hands during the season. That left three relative floaters standing in the end – Natalie, Kevin and eventual winner Jordan.

As far as Natalie goes, ugh. If your whole game is built on a lie from the beginning, don’t tell anyone. Because they might sell your ass out like Jessie did. I kind of wish Kevin would win because he kind of embraced his role as a floater and did what he could to make it a strength. He came up just short, which was a shame because he seemed like a good guy.

I didn’t mind Jordan winning. She came up big when it counted and handled her role well enough to stay out of the crossfire even though she was on the block a few times. Some people whined that Jeff gave her the only HoH she won before the final three, but she put herself in position to do that by out-lasting the rest of the group.

My only problem – and it is a petty one – is how a girl who talked so much about how her family needed the money could pay for new boobs before she came in the Big Brother house. But she’s such a sweetie, I’ll overlook that.

I only wonder what could have happened if Ronnie, Jeff or Russell hadn’t just taken their power for granted a little too much. They really could have won enough competitions to keep themselves safe and have a chance at winning. Jeff came the closest, but couldn’t pull off the veto when he needed it the most.

That’s the thing about Big Brother that some people seem to miss. You can have “alliances” as much as you want, but you need timely wins to get yourself to the top. That’s why I think Jordan deserved it most out of all of them – she stepped it up when necessary

Author: brian

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