Play the Game Right

I have long maintained that the game the kids today call Beer Pong is not really Beer Pong. To play something called Pong, you need to hit the ball with a paddle, not just toss it. Somehow Beirut (what the game should really be called) has gained more popularity over the years.

Well, that has come back to bite some students in the rear. I’m not saying that the version I played as a younger man was completely sanitary, but I don’t recall it spreading the flu around my fraternity house.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is asking students to curb the sharing of cups after a group of students contracted the swine flu during a weekend of drinking games, according to Dr. Leslie Lawrence, medical director of the school’s health center.

Play Beer Pong the right way kids, and you won’t catch the flu.

Author: brian

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