I Want to Party With You, Cowboy … Safely, Of Course

Nobody likes a party pooper when you’re having a few drinks. That’s why no one ever calls Boston City Councilman Stephen J. Murphy when it’s time for Happy Hour.

Murphy has introduced legislation to make Boston bars serve cocktails sealed with plastic covers to prevent the use of date-rape drugs.

Don’t confuse this with a hearty endorsement of date rape drugs – I hate Sebastian Janikowski – but was this guy dropped on his head as a child? Luckily, his measure doesn’t seem to have much chance after comments like these

“You can’t drink a martini with a straw!” said Charles M. Perkins, who runs the Boston Restaurant Group.

“That would crush the umbrella, wouldn’t it?” said Dan Pokaski, chairman of the Boston Licensing Board.

“How am I going to get the olive out of my martini with a cocktail cover?” Councilor John Tobin said jokingly. “How about we do crazy straws, like the squiggly ones? Or why don’t we just give everyone a thermos, or a fanny pack that you slide your drink into?”

A committee will study the proposal, which may be modified to just encourage bars to make the covers an option for customers. The problem is real, says Murphy, who managed to make himself look like a predator while trying to rescue young ladies from being drugged..

“I know that it’s happening,” Murphy said, before quickly adding, “not that I’m in that scene anymore.”

Not in that scene anymore?

Author: brian

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