ITEOTWAWKI: Happy Birthday, Peter

I totally spaced on Peter Buck’s birthday earlier this week. I don’t really pay attention to their birthdays that much, but remembered that two of them were very close . I can just never remember which two and when it happens.

Peter is the player and creator of so many memorable guitar lines, the most awesome jumping guitar player I have ever seen, the bard of liner notes and the guy who probably single-handedly saved R.E.M. with his insistence that they return to their roots with the fast-paced Accelerate in 2008.

So let’s share some of my favorite Peter Buck videos.

Peter fucking up “Rockville” at the 2008 show I saw, just down the road from Rockville, Md.

Peter handling interview duties for the band on their Letterman debut with the honesty and wit he always brings to the table.

One of my favorites because of its simplicity and how it kind of defines Peter’s playing style. Often called the first ‘real song” the band ever wrote. I love that they did it for the Hall of Fame induction.

And Peter in one of his many side projects, this time playing bass for The Baseball Project.

Author: brian

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