
I truly intended to write more about the Olympics, but work and some sinus problems kinda, sorta got in the way. I ended up crashing early a bunch this past week, but caught up with the action I cared about on my Tivo.

The last time I wrote about the Games, I professed my new-found love for snowboard cross. This development has helped me make a 180 on a passionate opinion I brought into the games: my hatred for short-track speed skating.

I really didn’t like the sport for a few reasons. First off, I see it as a bastardization of an existing sport to help certain countries win more medals. Secondly, I find it pretty tedious for most of the race until the action picks up. Sadly, that often lets the judges get involved.

I still have a little bit of a problem with the second issue. However, comparing the two sports gives me a better appreciation of short-track because at least skaters have a better chance of catching up than those who fall behind in snowboard cross. So the fact that there is bumping and judging at least means the action is frenetic.

The first point also kind of faded in my mind because I see this happening all over the games, particularly in the skiing arena. While the US does not completely dominate the new skiing and snowboarding events, they are clearly byproducts of American attempts to change the sport. So why should I worry about the South Koreans and Chinese (and Americans) pushing short track to the forefront so they can win some medals?

In the end, I think I was just bothered by Apolo Anton Ohno’s soul patch. That thing has to go.

Author: brian

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