
Rarely do things converge in such a fantastic way as they have today. First off, we have the Britney Spears trainwreck on the MTV Video Music Awards. But since the VMAs were reportedly a trainwreck (I didn’t watch because I was watching another episode of The Eli Manning Face) can you have a trainwreck within a trainwreck?

Anyways, I have never been a fan of Britney, but even I felt a sad for her after the lackluster performance. Sure, I’m giddy that she provided such unintentional comedy, barely moving, almost tripping and looking lost throughout much of her “dance.” And I didn’t even get into the outfit. But you have to feel bad that she just has so many problems. That won’t stop me from letting you enjoy the video though. Somehow, it’s not on Youtube yet so I linked the MTV page.

While we all bask in the goodness that is a strung-out, post-dated pop star with two kids and an outfit meant for someone a little thinner, we get the great news that Dick in a Box won an Emmy. The full awards show won’t take place until next week, but some minor awards were given last night. Apparently, JT did the song in concert when he found out he won. That’s just awesome. And so is the video.

Author: brian

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