Superbad? Supergreat!

We finally got a chance to go see “Superbad” last night. As big fans of the immature comedy genre, we pretty much went in with high expectations.

We were not let down.

First, can I say that I am so glad that the R-rated comedy has firmly entrenched itself on the American movie landscape again? I really appreciate how writers and directors aren’t toning things down to try and soak just a few more dollars out of the under-18 market. There are a lot of us over 18 who really appreciate well-timed swearing and adult situations.

That said, I thought the entire cast did an outstanding job. Michael Cera and Jonah Hill just nailed their roles while Christopher Mintz-Plasse is my new hero after his turn as Fogell/McLovin. At times, I thought I was watching a remake of “American Pie,” but they added enough of their own humor to make it interesting.

From the previews, I just assumed that Bill Hader and Seth Rogan had very small roles as the cops, but they really did a good job of not wearing out their schtick throughout the nearly two hours.

I don’t think “Superbad” can stand up to things like “Knocked Up” or “40-Year-Old Virgin,” but it shows that pretty much what Jud Apatow touches these days can turn to gold.

Author: brian

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