Enjoyable Rehab

On a day where we give thanks, I will give thanks to a very special part of America – Las Vegas.

Thanks to the fine folks at Five Hundy by Midnight, I decided to take a gander at a new show on truTV (formerly Court TV) called “Rehab: Party at the Hard Rock Hotel.” I’ll give anything a shot to get that Vegas feeling, especially a behind-the-scenes look at a place I will never experience.

You see, when I go to Vegas, I go low. I stay at the Imperial Palace. I look for bargains where ever I can. I don’t need to try and act like I am more important than I am. I am comfortable with a cheap room, free beer and playing low-limit games.

The Rehab show lets me see one of those party scenes where everyone is trying to see how much money they can spend and how wild and crazy they can get. I don’t need to tell my friends I stood in line for an hour to get into a crowded pool where I had to spend several hundred dollars just to be there.

At first, I hated the show. I could not stand the idiot customers and thought the drama between the staff was silly. But it did not take long to get sucked in by the pure Vegas-ness of the entire scene. The Vince Vaughn-look alike manager and his sardonic attitude toward customers took the show from tolerable to enjoyable. The tough female head of security put the cherry on top.

Whether they are trying to help someone who misjudged the heat and needs medical attention or rolling their eyes when a customer refuses to pay their bill, the staff makes me realize I’m not the only one laughing at the people who go to Rehab.

Author: brian

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